Saturday, 14 July 2012

Worldshopperslink Review

Assalammualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera,

2 -3 hari ni email saya selalu kena spam dengan satu program Klik Iklan Dapat Duit . Jadi saya pun macam biasa la menjalankan tugas menyiasat program ni. Mungkin anda juga pernah dapat email daripada, dan Ketiga-tiga laman web yang saya senaraikan diatas sebenarnya mempromosikan program yang sama iaitu Berikut adalah profil syarikat ini.about worldshopperslink

Ulasan: Kalau tengok alamat, syarikat ini beroperasi di USA. adalah laman untuk jual beli dan juga menyediakan Perkhidmatan Pembayaran Internet yang membolehkan syarikat menerima pembayaran secara online dari seluruh dunia. juga adalah syarikat pertama menjalankan perkhidmatan Pay Per View dan juga Panduan Enjin Carian ( yang ni tak nampak pun) .

Tapi, saya rasa agak ragu-ragu dengan syarikat ini kerana berdasarkan perkara berikut:

1. Design webpage macam webpage iklan percuma yang digunakan di Malaysia. Saya tak menyatakan template ini tak boleh sama. Tapi saya rasa hairan je. Cuba bandingkan kedua-dua laman iklan ini 

worldshopperslink website


2. Berdasarkan carian di saya dapati traffic untuk laman web hanya di Malaysia sahaja. Sila tengok screenshot dibawah. Jika program ini bermula di USA, dah tentu traffic dari USA mestilah yang paling banyak.Ini langsung takde traffic dari USA. Lagila saya bertambah hairan...

alexa ranking

 3. Iklan yang berada dalam laman web tersebut juga semuanya dari Malaysia. Cuba tengok dibawah ini. 

iklan worldshopperslink

4. Jika anda pernah sertai program PTC ( Paid To Click) tentu perasan selalunya akan ada ahli (member) dan pengiklan( advertiser). Tapi untuk program ini, anda sebagai adalah ahli dan pengiklan. Anda membayar untuk orang klik iklan anda. Kalau PTC yang dah establish macam clixsense, pengiklan akan beli iklan contohnya $100. Nilai $100 akan diagihkan kepada syarikat dan member yang klik iklan. Hasilnya, pengiklan mungkin berjaya dapat downline, jual produk ,survey, leads dll. Takda la pulak dapat balik duit yang dikeluarkan tu.Itula yang menjadikan saya konfius konsep pay per view ni. Contoh yang saya ambil dari clixsense. Jika anda upgrade kepada premium member cuma $17 setahun. Nilai iklan yang anda klik tetap sama saja. Kalau $0.02 semua orang lain klik pun $0.02 juga. takda la pulak lain nilainya. Jadi, apakah yang ditawarkan oleh pihak Anda boleh buat duit dengan hanya dengan klik iklan. Betul ke? Mari kita tengok apa yang anda dapat jika sertai 




HOW DOES IT WORK! helps you to advertise your products or services at the high traffic advertising website. You can purchase the package as stated below;

Incentive Plan worldshopperslink

With minimum $20 you can start your advertisement and you can even place your ads at the advertisement space you purchased. This strategy will help you to promote your business online and our job is to think how to create a heavy traffic thus helps you to have a better volume in your business.

Ulasan: Kalau anda beli tempat untuk iklan, dah tentu anda nak letak iklan. 

With a minimum purchase of one package, you will be entitled to one Business Centre for you to earn a great income with Worldshopperslink. You may purchase as many package as you want. The more packages you purchase will entitle you for more Business Centres…Once you have purchased the package, you will be entitled for 3 types of Incentives:

Ulasan: Menggalakkan beli banyak pakej. Maksudnya memang perlukan banyak modal. Jika nak pendapatan lebih kena beli pakej seperti diatas. Kalau setakat sertai sebagai FREE member, satu klik baru $0.01. Nak $8.00 satu klik kena bayar $700 dahulu. Konsep pemasaran lebih kepada ajak orang beli pakej. Bukan cerita kelebihan letak iklan di laman web ini.

1) Worldshopperslink Cylinder Bonus (WCB)
Besides being placed in the hierarchy, once you introduced someone to buy the package (excluding Bronze), you will be given a free unit to queue in the WCB without fail on first come first serve basis. Each time when 2 units were thrown into the WCP, the very front unit in the queue will get WCB Bonus of $15 in its e-Purse real time.
Each time you introduce anyone, you will be getting a free unit into the WCB. Let say if your package is Silver and you introduced someone with Rhodium, you will be getting 14 units belongs to you to be queued in the WCB. Please refer to table below;
Introduce Bronze – Non.
Introduce Silver – Get 1 Free unit into WCP, (Bonus is $15x1 = $15)
Introduce Gold – Get 2 Free units into WCP, (Bonus is $15x2 = $30)
Introduce Platinum – Get 6 Free units into WCP, (Bonus is $15x6 = $90)
Introduce Rhodium – Get 14 Free units into WCP, (Bonus is $15x14 = $210)

2) Referral Bonus
Each time you refer a new member to purchase the Merchant Package from Worldshopperslink, you will be entitled for the Referral Bonus of 6.5% from the package value purchased. If you introduced Platinum, your Referral Bonus will be $300 x 6.5% = $19.50. You may refer as many friends as you wish! There is no limit as to how many referral you want to make.

3) Binggo Bonus (Daily at 12:00am Washington DC Time)
Beside Referral Bonus, member may also earn unlimited Binggo Bonus when your group start expanding. You can earn Binggo Bonus up to max USD1,200 daily from your group sales in fact! We pay you base on the sales volume under your group each day. Binggo!!!

Each Business centre has 2 groups, Left and Right Groups. You may introduce as many merchants as you like and place them under either Left or Right Group. The Binggo Bonus is counted base on Daily Sales Volume and will be calculated daily at 12:00 midnight Washington Time.
Daily Sales Volume is not necessary must come from the sales personally introduced by you but even the sales generated by the members under your Left and Right group are counted too.
Calculations Sample;
Bonus Plan worldshopperslink
Binggo Bonus is calculated by 5% out of the weaker group total daily sales;
Right Group is a weaker Group (USD3,200)
Binggo Bonus Earned = USD3,200 x 5% = USD160.00

The different between Left and Right Group sales is USD7,000 – USD3,200 = USD3,800 (under Left Group will be carried forward for the next day bonus calculation).
Note: You will also be given a Free Business centre each time you introduce someone buying the Merchant Package. Eg: When you introduced Tony buying Gold Merchant Package and place him under Left Group, automatically you will also be given a Free Gold Business Centre under Right Group, thus produce Binggo Bonus to you.
Each movement and entries/ re-entries by anyone in the world will make you earn the above Bonuses in auto pilot. A Phenomenon in networking industries that will make you earned residual income. Amazing!
Everybody got to try this and you will never fail again this time. Our BIG community will help YOU to enhance your business volume by having more traffic into your website while you earn a residual income forever.

Binggo Bonus Daily Income Limit
Package Max Daily Binggo
A) Bronze $28.00
B) Silver $70.00
C) Gold $150.00
D) Platinum $450.00
E) Rhodium $1200.00

Ulasan: Macam-macam bonus yang boleh dapat jika ada ahli baru masuk. Maksudnya kena cari ahli baru dapat duit. Lepas tu, ahli baru tu kena upgrade kepada pakej paling mahal. Baru masyukk..

Members will be receiving sms greeting sent to your cell phone upon your registration with WorldShopperslink.
Sms will also be issued to your mobile number whenever any bonus calculated by the system issued into your e-Wallet. This is as part of communication medium in a way to always keep you alert of any transactions that take effect when dealing with us.
Your e-mail address, cell phone number and all your profile must be valid for security and verification purposes. We will not be responsible for any inconvenience caused in the future due to the invalid details provided by you.
Type of sms updates that you may receive:
• Registration summary upon registration of new account with us (Free sms)
• Alerts on incentives issued to your e-Purse.


All Incentive calculation is carried out in real time automatically by the system and updated into your e-purse immediately. You may withdraw min $100 (not exceeding the balance in your e-purse) at anytime from anywhere in the world. To be more secured, all incentives payment worldwide will be made through Liberty Reserve (

Ada lagi persoalan bermain di fikiran anda ? sila baca FAQ di


Berdasarkan pemerhatian saya, jika anda malas menaja orang atau tak pandai menaja,  program ini sama je macam skim-skim 4D (Dok Diam Dapat Duit) atau Skim Cepat Kaya

Saya ambil contoh Pakej Gold harganya $100. 
Seminggu klik 10 iklan x $0.8 = $8
Setahun ada 52 minggu 
Oleh itu $8 x 52 =  $416   ( untung sebanyak 316%) 
Tapi anda kena tunggu sehingga minggu ke-13 (3 bulan lebih) baru dapat keluarkan duit sebab minimum pengeluaran $100.

Lebih baik join jobdirumah yang dah tentu menawarkan kerja di rumah yang sah dan betul.

Baca juga

1. Cara Nak Dapat Komisen Affiliate!
2. Jalan Pantas Berjaya Dalam Perniagaan Internet 
3. Strategi Jana RM1,000 - RM3,200 Di Internet
4. Rahsia Forex Trader Jana Wang 5 Angka Seminggu 
5. Pelaburan Silver Lebih Hebat Dari Pelaburan Emas
6. Buat Duit Dengan Youtube!



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. yang peliknya, kita sendiri yang click then dapat bonus...doesn't make any sense..kalau adsense tu logik la jugak...kita sebagai agen yg tlg promote iklan syarikat tertentu...n kalau ada org click dapat ckit komisyen n kalau ada yg beli produk dia, komisyen up lg...make sense la sebab komisyen as a bila kita sendiri yg click n dapat how the business work???

  4. Why not diaorang buat autoclick...kan senang..tak perlu la org lain tolong click...boleh percaya ke system ni..?..

  5. memang saya tak percya dengan sistem ni

  6. ada seorang kawan saya join website ni dan telah melabur dengan RM7000, tak sampai beberapa bulan dah tak boleh bukak dan laman web tu pun dah tak wujud lagi... kasihan kat kawan saya tu.... sebelum ni pun beliau ada ajak saya join. tapi selepas istikharah Allah tunjuk dan saya pun tak sempat join. sebelum ni pun saya sangsi dengan methode syarikat ni.... kesia pada yang dah join dan kene tipu. Lain kali berhati2 lah.


Takkan baca je..Komen la sikit..:)

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